When Depression Gives You Physical Symptoms-by Samaritan Interfaith
When Depression Gives You Physical Symptoms
posted October 27, 2016
Depression probably makes you think of symptoms such as feeling sad and anxious. While those are common symptoms, it’s important to remember that depression can cause physical symptoms, too. People sometimes spend a lot of time researching the causes of their symptoms, only to find no physical source and instead learn that their depression is making them experience physical symptoms.
Some people with depression experience headaches, and regular migraine sufferers sometimes find that depression makes the pain worse. People who typically experience back pain may also feel the pain more if they are depressed. Other ways that depression can manifest itself as physical symptoms are muscle and joint pain, appetite changes, and more.
If you have any of these symptoms, visit your healthcare provider. Be sure to share with him or her if you think depression might be causing your symptoms. Go to Samaritan Interfaith’s website or Nick’s Network of Hope website to take a quick mental health self-assessment to help you determine if you have symptoms consistent with depression.
Samaritan Interfaith inspires hope, facilitates change and creates lasting impact on individuals, families and faith-based organizations. We offer Spirit led, compassionate care through counseling, education and consulting.