Request Author, Linda Pacha, to Public Speak

Contact Linda Pacha, author of Saving Ourselves From Suicide—Before and After: How to Ask for Help, Recognize Signs, and Navigate Grief, on LinkedIn to speak with your group about any of the following:

Suicide Prevention:

  1. Nick’s story and PowerPoint of risk factors and warning signs, including real life examples from Nick’s story of certain warning signs. (for administrators and parents)
  2. Nick’s story and Power PowerPoint of risk factors and warning signs, including real life examples from Nick’s story of certain warning signs (for students)
  3. Nick’s story, followed by review of what others (peers, family and friends) could have done differently to possibly change outcome. Review of what Nick could have done differently to reach out and get help. (secular, no mention of faith) (for students)
  4. Same as Suicide Prevention #3 (faith filled audiences, mentions of faith) (for students)
  5. Navigating Challenges in Life – Description of personal challenges (being a child of divorce; putting myself through school; living with my physical health problems; daughter’s almost fatal allergic reaction; and son’s heart issues, mental health issues, and eventual suicide). Why we need to love self, believe in self, and invest in self. Let go of mistakes to not live with regret or shame. Not “taking on” another’s bad behavior toward us. Why social media and comparing ourselves to others is unhealthy. How to set goals with an understanding that life has different chapters. (for audiences of all ages. secular, no mention of faith.)
  6. Same as Suicide Prevention #5 (faith filled audiences, mentions of faith.)


  1. Brief description of Nick’s story, the grief involved, and helpful tips to navigate the grief journey to live a productive life. How to find hope and healing after tragedy. (for faith filled audiences with talk of faith included)
  2. Grief number #1 (for secular audiences with only brief mention that faith helped in healing.)